

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Concern Over The Talk Of Eradicating Trans People

Concern Over The Talk Of Eradicating Trans People

Our world is messed up. Can you feel it? The world itself almost feels sick right now, but the people too. We don't even talk to each other if we're not in full agreement. We pick camps and stick closely with people who agree with everything. Differing opinions are a threat, and an attempt to understand each other is seen as a bad thing.

Everybody feels how the world is right now unless they're not in tune with the energy. I think hate, greed and selfishness are at the heart of it. The gap between the haves and have nots is widening. Fewer people are hoarding more of the resources and the dream of owning your own place and a little land seems far from reality these days.

Quick, we need somebody to blame for this.
The answer is simple. It's transgender people who are causing it. It's people who are diagnosing and treating the trans youth. You see, it used to be that we just beat those kids into submission and they learned how to obey what their parents told them they were. The problem was, a good portion of those kids ended up on drugs, working the streets and ultimately dying at somebody else's hands or by suicide.

Somehow, people have it in their heads that this is the way it needs to be again. We were starting to make progress. There was more understanding about what it was to be trans and more of an effort to help them. By my way of thinking, a well adjusted and loved trans child can become a well adjusted and loved adult. They can be more productive in society versus those who are left on the bottom rung of society. They are marginalized, under employed and face things like homelessness and drug addiction.

They are not threats to society. These people are basically just trying to hold on, and yet people are scapegoating them. I will not blame this all on religion. I think what happens is people associate God with punishing something they don't agree with, and that's when the real trouble starts.
The powers that be have gotten it into their heads that the trans community is the real threat to the world, and that means they've been passing laws in states throughout the country and even around the world. They want to stop this thing that they call transgenderism. As a member of the trans community, I find this trend to be alarming.

The very word transgenderism needs to be a red flag for people. When they put ism on something, it's often seen as a bad thing. The next thing they want to do is fix it, and some politicians have reasoned that they need to stop people from transitioning. They need to tell this person to "act normal" as defined by the person telling them how to act. It doesn't matter how you feel or who you know you are inside, you need to conform to what somebody else tells you to be.

The states are starting to push laws that prohibit people from transitioning. They prohibit people from being anything but a cisgender, straight person. I know some people who are cisgender are somehow threatened by the term cis, but it's merely a term to say that you were happy with the gender you were born with and nothing more. It's not a slur, but some people who are anti-trans are taking it that way. It adds to the anger they direct towards the community.

The problem with the people pushing these laws is they're not stopping there. Now we're starting down the road of a famous leader of 1930s Germany. We are now starting to hear them say that they want to "eradicate" transgender people. What they're saying is they don't want them breathe, although some apologists say they merely want to give them "conversion therapy" to fix them. Here's a newsflash, if you're forcing them to conform to the way you want them to be, you're eradicating them. You're participating in a form of genocide. 

Let me be clear, if you're standing against transgender people to the point where you want to push laws against them, and your troubled by being compared to that leader in Germany or the fact that you're participating in a form of genocide, think long and hard. What else do you call eliminating a group of people? Some people will say it's okay because they're not trans and duck the issue entirely, but where will it stop? Some gay people are throwing transgender people under the bus, but do they think they're going to be spared once transgender people are eliminated? This is a slippery slope.

When you hear the term eradicate associated with transgender people and how to deal with them, be disturbed. Be alarmed. They are coming out against the community, and most people within the trans community just want to live and have a fair chance like anybody else. They want that job, they want that house and they have the ability to do good things if given the chance. When they're marginalized and underemployed, all they're really doing is fighting for their lives and their ability to exist. Therefore, they're not offering the full potential of what they can do to be productive in society.

Being transgender is not the real problem in this world. A person who is transgender didn't look to become this and go through so many things that make their life difficult. Transitioning is their way forward because it's the closest thing to making them feel normal in the body they have. When people throw hate at them and blame them for society's ills, they're also adding to their anxiety and depression. Then, you have those transgender people who become statistics when it becomes too much, or they suffer at the hands of somebody who blames them for society's ills.

It's not hard to see what's going on here. When they talk about transgenderism and then use the term eradicate, they're talking about eliminating a group of people. They're talking about genocide. I don't use this term lightly. If what I write here is something you find disturbing, you should be disturbed. You're watching it begin to play out right in front of your eyes, but now's the time to call it for what it is and stand up against it. You don't have to be transgender to know that trying to hurt or eradicate them is not a good thing. It is act of hate.

Dealing With Targeted Harassment Of Trans Women Online

Dealing With Targeted Harassment Of Trans Women Online

I decided to take myself out of a discussion in a tweet thread from one of my friends. She's in the entertainment industry, but I won't get into it specifically. What I saw there was targeted harassment, but I didn't realize what I was jumping into when I got in there.

My friend is a trans woman, and she's been dealing with targeted harassment since she took a stance against somebody who was using trans women as a punching bag for his jokes. That's an unpopular opinion for some, and that's when she started getting attacked. People were going into her pictures and tweeting about her.

The danger of what can happen in situations like this is they start doing information searches on an individual, doxing them and then who knows what can happen. There are cisgender women who will never give an inch to a trans woman. They refer to us in male pronouns and in very negative terms. We in the trans community have a term for them and their exclusionary ways, but I won't use it here.

I didn't think it was a big deal that my friend stepped in front of the mirror in the ladies room to take a picture of herself after doing her makeup. Cisgender women do this and so do trans women. You're staring at yourself in the mirror, and that's where you pull your camera out. So basically, she's a trans woman doing what cisgender women do and nothing more.

What these women do is pick on something and then attack. A trans woman with a phone in the ladies room becomes a threat to them. I'm well aware of the reaction of some cisgender women, and that's why I always try to be respectful around them. When I bring my phone into the ladies room, it's usually in my pocket. I might pull it out and look at texts or whatever in one of the stalls, but so do cisgender women.

You see, right here these exclusionary women would target me because I dared bring a phone into the stall and read texts and use Twitter. How dare I do something that they do. To them it would be quite logical to attack me for doing something that they do. Of course, I know me being in there at all is problematic because they think I'm being predatory for some reason. Like the trans woman who started this thread, I take my picture in the mirror sometimes. The reality is I'm doing something that cisgender women do.

I've struggled to feel good about the way I look, and it's been hard for me to want to take a picture of myself. As I've come out as trans, I find that I can now do that. Out of every four or five pictures, I find one that I like. When I do my makeup, I take pictures to find one I like. It's just me in the picture, and I share it on social media sometimes. It's sort of a progress report about how I'm looking, and a friend or two might comment. That's all I'm doing. That's all my trans woman friend was doing.

Because she is being targeted and harassed, these cisgender women decided to attack her for daring to take a picture of herself in front of a mirror in the ladies room. What they're trying to equate her doing is walking around and pulling out her camera, taking pictures of cisgender women in stalls or in compromising positions. This is not what she was doing, but that's what's going on in the minds of these exclusionary women when they launch this sort of attack.

I jumped into that thread and was being empathetic with my friend. I said that I had done the same thing, which I have done and will continue to do. In no way do I take my camera phone and point it at anybody. I'm pointing it at myself, and usually there's nobody else around me. In fact, when you look at my friend's photo, there was nobody around her either. They are making a big deal about nothing, simply to say that trans women are invalid.

I engaged a few of them, because all of them had hateful comments to say. They were designed to hurt me, damage my self-esteem and make me give up on myself. This is the danger of the hate that exclusionary women spew towards trans women. They do damage to us, and they don't care.

They think there's never been a trans woman in the ladies room, but it's happened for years and they didn't know about it. They're never going to stop trans women from existing, and the joke of the matter is they've probably had conversations with trans women and not even realized it. This is because trans women are women.

I disengaged from this thread after a day and deleted my posts. I put some people on block that were a part of the thread, because I don't want them searching me out and attacking me. I'd rather not have to defend myself in this situation, but if somebody comes to attack me, I'll have to. Sometimes, you have to pick your battles. It's okay to be trans in the ladies room. There are some who would say it's not. There's a lot of hatred being spewed towards us, and this is just one area in which it happens.

They still want to say that you're being trans to harass women in the bathroom. The reality is a man wanting to do anything to a woman will just follow her into the bathroom and do whatever he was going to do. He won't go through the trouble of dressing up as pretty and feminine as he can, and these dishonest cisgender women know that quite well. My comments in this thread were only going to be read by hateful cisgender women who want to attack me, and I saw no good coming of that towards me.

Therefore, I deleted those comments and decided to write an article here. I just wanted to make a point that we exist, but we don't exist to harass cis women. We exist because that's a reality, whether they like it or not.

We're only going to the bathroom because we need to use it, and many trans women are interested in men. Even if there are trans women who are interested in cisgender women and other trans women, there are also lesbians who go into ladies rooms. That does not mean that they're looking to get into anybody's space and harass them. We just want to do our business and leave, and that's what we do.

Just in case there are some people who wonder, I'll end this with a very important statement. You're not wrong for being trans. That's how God made you. Also, for the people in the back in the exclusionary camp who don't understand, trans women are women, and we're going to stand our ground for the right to exist.