

Sunday, April 10, 2022

God Does Not Hate Transgender People

It makes me sad to see people in the transgender community and the LGBT community in general who are against God. I think a lot of that is caused by religious people claiming to speak for God. 
You hear it all the time. They say God hates gay people. They say God hates trans people. They like to talk about a loving God, but then they turn around and say things like this.

It gets worse. There are certain religious groups that I'm not going to name who will go protest certain events. When something bad is happening around the world, such as a war, they say it's happening because of gay people. 
It's not the hate that's in our hearts, our greed and selfishness or any of that. Their loving God is fine with all of that, but gay made God angry and bad things happened. What a bunch of BS.

I believe it was a particular church group from the heartland who decided that they were going to go to to the somber occasion of the funeral of Gwen Araujo. People were there to mourn the brutal murder of Gwen, and these people decided this was the perfect time to protest. 
Apparently, the fact that people murdered somebody was okay. The murdered person was the one to blame and the subject of God's hate. Again, it's a bunch of BS. 

What people sometimes don't realize with religion is it's another system of the control of society. I'm not going to go deep into my thoughts on the subject. We have the legal system that is designed to keep people in check. 
When people turn to faith, the powers that be want them to believe and behave a certain way. If you don't believe that way, you are bad. Religion is another system of control. Religion will try to be the arbiter of your relationship with God.

It's up to the individual to decide whether they want to take Jesus Christ into their heart as the way. Some people choose to do this, and other people don't. There are some people who have done this who believe that you have to go to church every Sunday to affirm that Jesus is your savior. 
The thing is, Jesus isn't in any building. Jesus is everywhere. God is everywhere. When Jesus was preaching to the masses, he didn't do it in a church. It was frequently on a hillside or somewhere outside. Some churches get quite a bit of money in donations, and the preacher in question gets very greedy. Is that really of God?

Nowhere did it say that Jesus hates transgender people. Jesus wasn't walking around saying that the world's going to hell because gay people exist or any of that. A lot of people in the trans community believe that there is no God or that Jesus is bad. 
Jesus never preached anything but love, and you know that when you look at The Bible. He preached about people loving one another and doing right by each other. When people who claim to be religious start saying Jesus hates this person or that person, they are doing a disservice to God.

My biggest concern with religion is the damage it does. There are so many things that churches do that are wonderful, like taking in the homeless for a night of comfortable sleep or feeding them. Raising money for the community. Those are noble and righteous in my opinion.
When people claim to be speaking in the name of God from this church or that church and then spew hate and venom, they are hurting something they claim to believe in. They are driving a wedge between the transgender community and God by the way they speak. 

If you are a believer, you know that it's not up to man to judge each other about what will happen in the afterlife. That is between you and God. Misrepresenting religion in a hateful way towards transgender people drives them away from God, and I think that's a shame. 
There's also the persecution, guilt and shame that is thrown at a trans person very early on. We struggle to accept ourselves and try to figure out where our place is in this world. It's not easy, and we are damaged by the people who misrepresent God in a way to harm us.

Whether you choose to take Christ as your Savior or believe in God is your own business. It's not that I don't understand why transgender people would not want to acknowledge God. There are reasons they feel discomfort when it comes to God, but a lot of it is caused by man.
We do struggle with the question of why we are trans. Why would God create a transgender person? Somebody born in what they feel is the wrong body? Why would God do that to somebody?

I don't have an answer to that question. I've been trying to figure it out for many years. What I like to think is that God chose the transgender people and the gay people to have the experiences that they are having. There's so much to our very existence that we don't understand, and maybe we won't understand when we go into the next life either. 
God has a reason for making us who we are, but if we do right by each other and spread love instead of hate, I don't think God is going to judge as harshly. Again, that's up to God, but it's up to us to treat each other with respect and love while we are here.

I don't like to see people who are religious and claim to speak for God cast judgments on the transgender community. We're already marginalized and easy to punch down upon. 
Then, we're told that we're not even welcome with God in the afterlife unless we live in a way that makes everybody else happy but makes us miserable. It's a lie. 
God doesn't hate us. God loves us, and Jesus gave us the way if you believe. If you don't believe, it's not up to religious people to judge you. That's between you and God when the time comes.