

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Silly Sissy With The Door Knocker On Her Clitty Cage

So you're a sissy in chastity? Maybe you were lucky enough to find a Mistress to lock it away and hold the key. Maybe you found a Master to do it for you. Maybe you're a sissy who hasn't found a key holder yet. But you couldn't resist locking it away, could you? You're a sissy who knows the truth. Once you lock it up, it's hard to stop. You know that's where your little clitty belongs.

The day finally came. With your body all smooth and your lingerie laid out on the bed, you realize something is missing. You know exactly what that is. You need to lock up your clity. Looking at it dangling there so smooth and small, you know it doesn't deserve to be free, does it?

You reach into your bag for your chastity cage. Your body is tingling, but suddenly your clitty starts to get excited. No, you're not going to allow yourself to cum. You've made that commitment. You may not touch your little wee wee. The cage is going on, and it's going to stay on for a week. One week, no clitty freedom and no touching it. You're just so excited. Can you make it?

Somehow, you manage to get the chastity cage on your clitty. It was a struggle, but your clitty is now safe and secure. No way that little thing is going to get into trouble inside of its little prison. You snap the lock into place. What a rush! You feel the cage around your clitty, preventing it from getting as hard as it could, and it feels so intense. You want to cum, but rules are rules. No cum for a week.

You get up and move around your room, trying to put that thought out of your mind. You stare at yourself in the mirror, still naked and smooth. The only difference now is your clitty is in its new home, your pretty pink chastity cage. There's also the clicking noise you're hearing as you walk around. It's unmistakable. It's coming from your chastity cage.

Your lock serves as a reminder that you are in chastity. It's like a door knocker for your clitty cage, asking if it can come out to play. The answer is still no. Knock, knock, knock. Another reminder that you are a sissy in chastity.

You slip your lingerie over your smooth body. You are a vision of sissy sexuality, pretty pink lingerie, stockings, garters, heels. The works. Nails painted, and you are reminded as you paint them by the tightness surrounding your clity. You are a sissy in chastity.

As you prance around your room in your sexy lingerie, knock, knock, knock. You are a sissy with a door knocker on your clitty cage. There's no use. Your sissy clitty stays locked. You desperately want to cum. You can't take off the cage. Enjoy having your little clitty locked up, sissy girl. It's where little sissy girls like you belong.

Knock knock knock. Sorry to disappoint you, but your clitty can't come out to play today. Better find another way get off. Don't you have a dildo hidden away in your dresser drawer?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Goodbye Sissy Social

Sissy Social is gone. It actually went down a few months ago. Maintaining the site had to be a double-edged sword for Lauren. She founded the site back in 2011, and she had lofty goals for what she wanted to accomplish. I'm sure she was on a budget, so it was smart growth. When I say budget, with each upgrade she put into it, it became more expensive for her to run the site.

When it started, it was a place to post pictures of yourself among like-minded people. You could post updates, blog your feelings and there was also a nice message board. Good discussions would break out, and it was also a place where more experienced sissies could help those who were just getting started with some useful advice.

There was in erotica section where myself and others would post stories. It became an outlet for me to share my stories with an audience that was more receptive to them. However, in my early days of being a member of the site, I also tried to help others with useful advice and encouragement. Nothing was more gratifying for me than to see a new sissy taking her first steps of self-expression. That's what sites like Sissy Social are all about.

Lauren didn't stop with the upgrades. She envisioned Sissy Social becoming sort of a Sissy Facebook. This meant that you logged on to it and saw a stream of status updates similar to what you would see on Facebook. Of course, a lot of girls shared sissy memes. It didn't seem like the updates really increased the conversations, which is something I like to see, but the updates did increase the traffic on the site.

What was important about this site was it was a safe space for sissies. Though some of us are out in public and proud, others won't take trips outside of their house. Still others don't even let that sissy outside at all, meaning their feminine expression comes entirely from what they do online. A site like Sissy Social meant the world to so many. Though in some ways there's more acceptance in the world, in other ways it's just as bad as it has always been.

Lauren increasingly struggled to pay the bills with monthly costs skyrocketing. She never wanted to charge anybody to participate, and I'm sure part of her reason was she grew to understand the model just a little bit more. Though there are people willing to pay for content on the internet, many people will just move on if they have to pay a dime. The writing was on the wall. It became too expensive, and when she would ask for donations, she started getting attacked by people who were enjoying the site for free and were not at all happy that she would ask for help. 

It started with quirks. Pictures weren't showing up. People were having difficulty logging on or staying logged on. Things didn't get better, and there were no status updates forthcoming from Lauren. The day finally came when the site went down. People couldn't even find the landing page anymore. Now, some people will get a message saying that going to the URL is unsafe. The site appears to be for sale, though I don't know if that's accurate information or not. Nor can I tell you what is included if the site truly is for sale. Would somebody get the contents as they were when the site went down?

In the end, I could never afford it, and it makes me sad. Though there are other sites out there that offer a safe space, nothing really compares to Sissy Social. I made friends there, some of whom were going through similar life struggles as myself, and we would confide in each other. We can all look back and see mistakes that were probably made as the side continued to grow.

I would never want anything more than to thank Lauren for creating the page. I'm happy for the time I was able to spend there and honored that I was made one of the moderators of the message board. I hope that I made a difference in a few people's lives, because I have come to accept who I am after years of struggling with that. I want others to be themselves without fear and without shame. I don't care what anybody says, there's nothing wrong with being a sissy, transgender or wherever you fall on the spectrum.

In the end, several of the ideas Incorporated on the site were good ones. Perhaps it didn't nead to cross over into Sissy Facebook territory? Perhaps the basic message board, blog feature, photos and the basic chat for those who wanted to use it was good enough? Maybe that would have helped keep costs a little bit more manageable. One could create a Sissy Facebook site, but here's the reality you deal with. There are way more sissies, sissy lovers and sissy friends than people might admit, and running such a page would not be cheap. Lauren found that out the hard way. 

Thank you for trying, Lauren. Sissy Social will be missed.

Sissy Social 2011-2019